Monthly Archives: September 2012

Family time in Uppsala

Last weekend was wonderful. Simply because I go to spend it with my ENTIRE family, which rarely happens now that we’re all living far apart from each other (well mainly Pontus). We ate, talked, played (with the little ones), walked, laughed and prayed. I was so happy! Here are a few pictures, if you’d like to see.. (All pics are taken with Mel’s iPhone, so the pic quality is not great but I like the pictures nonetheless :) )

Doesn’t it look like we’re holding a giant sparkler in this one?!

My lovely sister-in-law is in none of the photos since she and Dudi went to a birthday party of one of Dudi’s friends in the afternoon when the rest of us went out for a walk! Next time ;)

The apprentice

My dad has been the bread baker at our house for years and we all love his bread so much. Andreas is especially fond of a big round bread that he makes (the so called Ugnsbröd) and this summer he asked dad to show him how to do it. Here’s the result! 

He looks pretty pleased (I promise, that’s a pleased face) and so he should be, it turned out great!

P.s Isn’t my husband’s all grey attire smashing? ;)


When I look at this picture all I want is for it to be summer at my parents’ place. Summers there are truly magical. I rarely realize it until they’re gone and it’s autumn though, which is sad. I’m really glad we got to spend more than 2 whole months there this summer! 

Back to school

4th year has begun. And I am so not ready for it. Term started well with lots of confusion, contradicting information, “lost” courses, “found” courses (not the same that were lost and found) and lack of general organization (I could go on and on..). I’ve started to seriously doubt my choice of profession. Perhaps I’ll decide to do something else the moment I get my degree.. Anyhow, after much anguish (yet again – I go through this phase at least once a term),  I have decided, with help from my wonderful husband, to press on and look to the future. I can’t really quit after coming this far. And besides, my degree will hopefully open doors for us to move abroad again, which is what we both want. But you never know what happens in the future – the other day I talked to a friend (who’s almost finished with her space engineering degree) about radically switching career moves. Before deciding on education and linguistics, I was seriously considering going into law. She could have gone into medicine. And it struck us that these options are technically not too late for us to pursue (although that would be crazy and financial suicide). It was an eye-opening thought for me which perhaps gave me the energy to look at these last two years with less dread as I know it’s not a dead end should I not enjoy it. yesyes. nough said on the subject, I feel.

I do have less contemplative, anguish-filled days. The other week husband and I “crashed” a Coldplay concert here in Stockholm. We live right by the arena where they played so we got cosy on a bench outside off it and ate popcorn that I had popped and put in a packet of cornflakes (met up with husband there and he thought I had brought actual cornflakes to snack on, should I get hungry. He’s cute). It was fantastic. Here’s a pic of the happy two:
Finally, I would like to give a shout out to Paul Simon’s album Graceland. Rediscovered it recently and can’t get enough of it. It’s good.